Experience the benefits of exclusivity

With a premium loyalty program from Raiffeisen Bank Aval

How does it work?

Pay with a Visa card from Raiffeisen Bank Aval
Earn bonus miles for each transaction
Exchange miles for certificates of your favorite stores


Special offers

You can already have miles on your account!

Якщо Ви вже є власником картки Visa Infinite від Райффайзен Банку, просто введіть Ваш номер телефону та дізнайтесь про накопичені милі:


If you already own a Visa Infinite or Visa Signature card from Raiffeisen Bank Aval, just enter:
  1. Your phone number
  2. The code you will receive in the SMS message
You can participate in the SMARTRAVEL Loyalty Program if you have issued a Prestige or Exclusive package from Raiffeisen Bank Aval and are a Visa Infinite or Visa Exclusive card holder, respectively.
Miles are accrued for purchases made in the trade and service network of Ukraine and abroad, including on the Internet and paid by Visa Infinite. For every 10 UAH you will receive 1 mile.
Go to your personal account. The balance for the current date is displayed on the main page of your personal account. The system also provides a choice of date range and a description of each transaction for the calculation of Miles.
You can exchange accumulated Miles for gift certificates.

Got questions?

Please call the contact center:

+380 44 299-74-15

Mon – Fri 9:00-21:00